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This is the first game that I've actually joined the patreon of so I can play a better build. Thank you for making such a fun game.

Thank you for your kind words!

Thank you for a wonderful game.

What are the sys reqs? My device can't run this. I imagine I don't have enough RAM, but... if so, that's a steep requirement for a visual novel. I know Unity is a RAM hog, but still...

It's the first time someone reported that issue. How much RAM do you have? We still have some optimization to do, so you might be able to run the future builds.

I have 8 GB RAM. It's not much for sure by today's standards, but visual novels typically don't require much.

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Oh, in that case, it's not the issue with RAM for sure. We tested it on devices with less RAM than that, and it worked fine. Do you get an error? Does it crash? 

We'll publish a new build with better optimization next week. Maybe it'll help. 

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My computer freezes on the load screen, right as the Unity logo is coming up. Could be my VRAM and not RAM? My graphics card is kinda old too. But I couldn't even bring up Task Manager; I had to manually restart with the power button.

Though, I'm actually surprised you managed to even find a device with less RAM. They're pretty obsolete by now.

Some users said that the game loads slowly on PCs with slow hard drives. Maybe you just have to wait a couple minutes. 

Nonetheless, we improved the load times and memory management. The new build will be using only 400MB RAM, so I would wait until then.

Is the protagonist's name static or can it be changed? What are some current/planned content tags?

The game has voice acting so the name is static. There are tons of tags, but generally speaking we have content from three categories: vanilla, femdom and maledom.

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Any futa/trans planned in this game?

Also, when I tried starting this game, it returned with the error message:

"Failed to load mono"


Yes, there will be optional futa content in the game. 

You're the first person reporting that problem so it's very possible the problem is on your side. Please try to redownload it. On our discord there is an alternative demo build. You can try that one if it doesn't work.